


Subject vs Content Statement

This image reminds me not to litter.  It could be described as a stick, wiffle ball bat and fishing pole all leaning on one another.  They are bonded with finishing line from the rod.  The fishing pole is coming out of a plastic watering container and the stick is standing from a block of styrofoam. Hanging off the branches from the stick is a pink dirty sock, empty bag of chips, a plastic water bottle with an acorn in it and an air freshener can.  These items are all hanging by a line of fishing string.  Hanging onto a branch by its handle is a green laundry detergent.  It looks like the detergent got stuck on the branch by accident.  Lastly, at the top of the tallest branch coming off the stick is a wire twisted in circle shapes around the stick.

This sculpture could represent our pollution and litter problem in New Jersey.  Since all these items were gathered from the world, they were all thrown out in the wrong place.  This could represent how life will become if we don’t stop littering.  In the future there might be bottles on tree branches and bags of potato chips.  This isn’t much different from the surroundings by us.  If you are walking down the street you will see trash on the side of the roads.  So this sculpture could also represent the cities near us.


Another thing this sculpture could represent is life.  The water container and bottle could be the water we drink.  The potato chip bag and acorn could be the food we eat.  The tree branch could be the air we breath.  This is what keeps us going in life and the necessary things we need, water, food and air.  The sock isn’t a necessary item but adds in life as well.  Most people wear clothes, socks, etc. to keep warm.  The wiffle ball bat and fishing rod could add in happiness to life.  When people are doing either, they are usually happy and with family and friends. All these items combined expresses life and happiness.

project 1


5 thoughts on “project 1

  1. This was fun to watch you create while we were in class. I love the outcome, your subject vs. content was a very nice narrative and lesson. I like the usage of each item that hangs from the fishing line. It’s very reminiscent of the stink spirit scene in Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away. I love it a lot.

  2. I could totally see how your sculpture could represent “life”. When I look at your sculpture, I see things which are associated with human basic needs–food (potato chip bag), clothing (detergent bottle), water (water bottle), and tree branches (trees some animals use for shelter). I like the colors you chose for this piece.

  3. I like the separation in your sculpture. The branch makes it take up a good amount of space, or at least that’s how it appears to me, and the trash hanging throughout the sculpture just throws it off and i love how some of the trash is hanging and it looks like it floating in the air.

  4. I like the message behind your sculpture,by being aware of the pollution in New Jersey, Which has increase throughout the years. Its so interesting how you incorporate a meaning behind every object you chose. I also like how you used space as an element in your sculpture.

  5. I find this piece interesting in several ways. First of all, I must say that the branch is perfect in size and shape for the foundation. Then, fishing pole brings me back to the branch. I begin to think about how people fished with harpoons that were made from metal or whittled wood before poles and rubber worms were invented. For some reason, the pole in the bucket makes me laugh. However, it also makes me think about the lack of quality water and the state our environment is in. The plastic detergent container, chip bag and Styrofoam add to this image. This piece makes me think of a lake that was once pure, beautiful and filled with fish that has turned into a wasteland of trash and pollution.

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